All The Answers Episode 114: We Don’t Need No Stinking Doorknobs
Hi, friends! If possible, listen to this episode tonight on the way to 2 Rivers Theater in Red Bank NJ to see Rami Margron in “The Three Sisters.”
In other news, Desmond has been Dad’n it up AND is OFF CAFFEINE (WHAT KIND OF MIRACLE (or fresh hell) IS THIS?!?), Cassidy is Directing a play in a heat wave and Katie is both getting restitution and has been Elevated and Upgraded to a Level 11 Wizard.
The team jump into Desmond's records today whereupon Desmond Asks the record keepers if this is a good life to live Light Adjacent and not jump into the deep end? And, how "of THE Earth" are “Humans” reeeeeeaallly?
Cassidy asks about his morning headaches and gets some very practical advice from the Record Keepers.
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